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Some info about me:
Name: Achim
Callsign: DL3SFQ
QTH: Pfedelbach, 70 km north of Stuttgart in Germany
Locator: JN49SE
Amateur Radio licensed: since 1992
Motivation: I am interested in electronics and RF radio since i was a small child. That´s why i enjoy this hobby with the possibility to build own home brewed equipment, and to share the experiences and ham radio spirit with amateur radio friends all over the world.

Hometown location:

Radio shack:

Antenna equipment:

Disclaimer: this homepage is to share my amateur radio hobby and for private purpose only without commercial background. No copy or other usage of the content is allowed without explicit permission. The equipment, builds and modifications are for licensed amateur radio persons only and might not be applicable for non-licensed persons. The local laws and restrictions need to be considered.